My Mom was amazing! My Mom had a lap that could hold four children at one time, a kiss that could cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart. My Mom could reason and negotiate. My Mom had strengths that amazed everyone, she would bear hardships, carry all of our burdens, but she also held onto happiness and all that was good in life! My Mom would go without so that her family could have, she was so strong even when she thought she had no strength left. She loved unconditionally. My Mom gave her heart to not only my Dad but also her children and their families, and her dear friends. My Mom kept our world turning; she brought us so much joy, love and happiness. My Mom’s power is un-deniable and her influence and her ability to mentor isn’t limited to just her children. My Mom worked hard to instill faith and values in all of us. I admired the way my Mom effortlessly balanced the duties of motherhood, being a wife, grandmother and a friend. My Mothers strength of character, drive, determination and perseverance made her a woman that I aspire to be. My Mom always provided us a shoulder to cry on, a non-judgmental ear and words of wisdom to guide us through life’s twists and turns! I love you Mom!
Part of my Funeral Talk for my Mom, Terese Johnston January 5, 2005