Megan Alexandra
May 12, 1990 (Saturday)
L.D.S. Hospital
2lbs. 5 oz. 13 inches long
Due date: August 13, 1990
The Littlest Angel
May 12: Baby Girl, Born at 9:00pm
May 13: Walked to the nursery to see my baby, so tiny, so beautiful!
May 14: Megan was transferred to Primary Children’s Hospital, I was released.
May 15: Meg had heart surgery; we were told Megan had a Grade 2 Cerebral Hemorrhage. Gave Meg a big KISS!
May 16: Meg is SO strong; she is stable but very tiny, 1 lb. 14 oz.
May 17: I wish I could hold my baby, I feel I’m missing something very special.
Please bless her with health and strength!
May 18: Very bad day! We found out that Megan has a Grade 4 Cerebral Hemorrhage, touched her tiny hand and kissed her little head.
May 19: Meg is so strong, she knows when Mom is there, I love her so much! Hopefully soon I can hold her.
May 20: Took foot and hand prints, so very tiny, first picture taken.
May 21: Took Megan her pink lamb stuffed animal, we met with the Neurologist. I know my baby girl will survive, she is a fighter!
May 22: 1 lb. 8 oz. I love Megan!
May 23: Meggie has a big belly today; let’s hope her insides are working. I love and pray for her every hour of every day, sometimes I question why my Angel has to go through this!
May 24: Megan had a great night, she is doing super today. She is feeding 3 cc’s of formula. Her oxygen is at 30, blood pressure is good. I got her a singing stuffed animal to sing to her when I’m not there late at night. Meg changed beds in the NICU.
May 25: A friend (Tammy Cassity) and I went to see Meg; I think she was shocked to see how tiny she really is. I love Meg, my family and friends!
May 26: Meg’s head is doing great; she is 15 inches long and 1 lb. 5 oz. She is doing great today!
May 27: Meg is now wearing her preemie diaper; she looks so cute even though it is drowning her! She is stable.
May 28: Meg is strong, not so much physically but emotionally and spiritually, a little slice of heaven!
May 29: Megan’s roommate from Montana passed away today, heart breaking! It is so difficult to see families go through these trials, so very sad. I’m very grateful Meg is stable, God be with her today and always!
May 30: Meg is getting 6 cc’s of food, she is looking good, seems to be happy and comfortable. I love her so much!
May 31: Megan is up to 2 lbs and ½ oz (every little bit counts a lot)! She is 16 inches, it eating 8 cc’s, she is beautiful! Her nurse (Nurse Sue Stern) said, “She is a keeper”!
June 1: I had lunch at the hospital again, getting a little sick of hospital food, I think I’ll pack more lunches!
June 2: Meg is out of her isolette today, I love it because I can kiss and touch her easier, life is good today!
June 3: We talked with some graduate parents today; they have been where we are. It was enlightening but to be honest, I want a better outcome!
June 4: 2 lbs. 3 oz. today, heavy weight of the NICU! Meg is so darling; her spirit is lifting me up and giving me strength. We had our first care conference today, her Neurologist (Dr. Walker), the Social Worker, Nurse Stern and another nurse, can’t remember her name. I’m feeling optimistic.
June 5: I stayed with Meg all day today; she seemed to want me to stay. She would grasp my finger so tight for such a little delicate hand, I love my Miracle!
June 6: Megan is being very feisty today, Tracy her nurse had to give her a sedative so she won’t burn up calories, that’s my girl! I know that my Heavenly Father answers Mothers’ prayers!
June 7: Megan is still doing well; she is almost at her birth weight (2 lbs 5 oz). What a sweetie!
June 8: Another great day, she pulled her respirator out, we love you Megan!
June 9: Doing great!
June 10: 30 days old and she is ½ lb heavier than her birth weight! 14 cc’s of food, you go girl!
June 11: I get to hold my ANGEL tomorrow!!!
June 12: Today has been the best day of my life; I got to hold my baby girl! I cried! What a joy, I can’t expressive how my heart feels!
June 13: Held Meg again, she is so sweet. She is up to 19 cc’s of formula, 2 lbs. 7 oz. 17 inches long! She is my Hero!
June 14: I went to see Meg for just a bit, the nurses think I should take a little break, maybe a getaway (I think they sometimes get annoyed with me and my concerns and questions). I love nurses!
June 15: Meg does not like the respirator!
June 16: They had to give Meg 2 sedatives, she hates all the tubes, can you blame her?
June 17: Meg pulled her respirator out again today; hopefully it is out for good!
June 18: The respirator had to go back in; she was burning up to many calories… sad!
June 19: They took the respirator out but she is still not ready… possibly Thursday.
June 20: Today Megan has to have a blood transfusion; I can’t stand this Roller Coaster!
June 21: She is starting to look like a cute little baby, not a transparent little frog!
June 22: I need my baby home.
June 23: I held Megan for 2 hours today, changed her diaper! Great day!
June 24: I gave Meg a bath today; I was kind of scared without her monitors on her. I wonder what it will be like to have her home and bathe her without any worries.
June 25: Held Meg for 1 hour today, no news, I guess that is good news!
June 26: Hopefully it is all uphill from here on out!
June 27: Mom loves Megan!
June 28: Meg is weighing in at a whopping 3 lbs. 3 oz. What a big girl!
June 29: Megan is my blessing, I am strangely thankful for this time in my life.
June 30: Meg had an ultrasound yesterday, again, no news is good news (I guess).
July 1: Once again, I got to hold Megan. I wonder what mothers of newborns think when they hear me say “I got to hold Megan for an hour today!” it is just something they get to do.
July 2: 3 lbs. 8 oz.
July 3: Megan’s name was put on the prayer list again in the Salt Lake Temple, thank goodness for the power of prayer, faith and family!
July 4: I took a mini flag to put on Meg’s condo (isolette), Happy 4th of July Megan!
July 5: Meg’s name was put in the Temple again, is it working?
July 6: Meg is 3 lbs. 12oz. Nurse Ann said August 1st for discharge, why not sooner? Meg had an eye exam, let’s hope all is well!
July 7: Megan had a breakfast of champions today; she drank out of a bottle! She was transferred back to L.D.S. Nicu, Primary Children’s was full, I guess that is good if Meg is not so critical that she has to stay.
July 8: Nana Swan fed Meg today, it was hard to let her, I love doing that! Megan stopped breathing today, scary! Please Heavenly Father, make her healthy (I promise I will be a good Mom)!
July 9: Doctor called me at 7:30am to tell us Meg finally hit 4 lbs!!! She is anemic though and they gave her another blood transfusion, sad!
July 10: Nana Swan and I went to see Meg, had a nice lunch and bought a stroller. I can’t imagine the day that I will get to put my little peanut in her new stroller, when will it be here?
July 11: I adore my little Miracle Baby!
July 12: Megan Alexandra, what a beautiful ring that has to it!
July 13: Megan is getting cuter and cuter by the day, and bigger!
July 14: This is not good, the first day I have missed seeing my baby. What was I thinking?
July 15: Oh boy did I miss not seeing Megan yesterday, I held my baby!
July 16: 4 lbs. 12 oz. Megan smiled so pretty for her newborn picture (even though she is 2+ months old)!
July 17: Nana Swan put Megs name in the temple again today; I think she should stuff the box!
July 18: Guess what?! Today Megan moved to an open crib, yay for Megs!
July 19: Megan drank a whole bottle in 20 minutes; I think she is making up for lost time!
July 20: Megan is 5 lbs, what a chubby girl!
July 21: We’re anticipating a Homecoming soon, getting prepared!
July 22: Today we had a “Hotel Stay”; we get to stay in Meg’s room with no help from Nurses throughout the night. We had to take a CPR class and get certified and learn the heart monitor, how to ng feed her and not panic!
July 23: I cleaned the house for the big day!
July 24: My darling Megan is home! I can’t believe it, it finally feels like home!